The time of Redemption have been fulfilled

Already the signs by which our Sages identified the end of exile and the time of Redemption have been fulfilled, including the (recently publicized) sign in Yalkut Shimoni [Yeshayahu, remez 499]:
“Rabbi Yitzchak said:
In the year the King Moshiach will be revealed, the kings of all the nations of the world will struggle with each other: the king of Persia will provoke the Arabian king; the Arabian king will go to Aram for advice. All the nations of the world will be in turmoil and terror; they will fall on their faces, seized by pains like the pangs of childbirth. Israel will also be in turmoil and terror, saying, “Where shall we come and where shall we go, where shall we come and where shall we go?” [G-d] will say to them, “My children, do not be afraid, all that I have done, I have done only for you sake. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, the time for your Redemption has arrived. It will not be like the earlier Redemptions, this final Redemption, because suffering and subjection to other nations followed the earlier Redemptions. But the final Redemption will not be followed by any suffering and subjection to other nations.”
The Yalkut continues:
Our Sages taught that when the King Moshiach comes he will stand on the roof of the Beis HaMikdash [Holy Temple] and will proclaim to Israel, “Humble ones, the time for your Redemption has arrived!”
So will it be for us. From the outset there is nothing to fear, since we already have the promise, “Do not fear, the time of your Redemption has arrived.” [The words “Do not fear” are an assurance that there is no reason to fear.]
And so it will be for us, that our righteous Moshiach should have actually already come and already stand on the roof of the Beis HaMikdash, announcing and proclaiming that Moshiach has already arrived!
Amen, may this be His will.
(From the talk of Shabbos Parshas Re’eh, Mevorchim HaChodesh Elul, 5750)