G-d will have to bring the Redemption to allow the world to have a continued existence
Q: What does the statement in the Talmud mean, that Moshiach will come in either a generation that is completely righteous or one that is completely guilty? A: The first condition, a “generation that is completely righteous,” sounds reasonable enough. However, what does the second…
Yechi HaMelech
Answers to commonly asked questions on the declaration of Yechi. The answers to most of the questions are found explicitly in the Rebbe’s sichos. By looking into the sichos, not only are the answers found, but one sees there were no questions in the first…
What Moshiach is about?
What is Moshiach and Redemption This world will become a place where suffering, war and jealousy cease to exist, a world of physical and spiritual peace and prosperity, permeated with the awareness and knowledge of G-d, a world where death ceases to exist and every…
What can we do to reveal Moshiach?
We find ourselves in a special time when the Rebbe has announced, “The time of your Redemption has arrived!” Now that it is established that the Rebbe is our Righteous King Moshiach, all that is left for us to do is to greet him. When…
When Moshiach comes, will we continue to observe all the Jewish laws that are kept today?
When Moshiach comes, will we continue to observe all the Jewish laws that are kept today? One difference will be that the laws will follow the rulings of the school of Shammai and Rabbi Meir. As a rule, our sages say: “The laws of the…
Where’s Paradise?
Paradise or Gan Eden is the place where a soul gets to once it leaves this world. There it occupies itself with the Torah based on the strengths and comprehension which it possessed in this world. Paradise is divided into many levels depending on the…
Fulfilling the commandment to be Fruitful and Multiply after the Resurrection of the Dead
As is known, the very first commandment in the Torah is the directive to give birth to children. It’s already been explained how the commandment to “be fruitful and multiply” will be fulfilled after Moshiach comes, but another question remains: how will this commandment be…
Flying on clouds
The first source mentioning clouds as a mode of transportation of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel is the prophet Daniel (7:13): “I saw in the visions of the night, and behold with the clouds of the heaven, one like a man was…