Understanding who is the Rebbe
Understanding the function of a “Rebbe” The Baal Shem Tov revealed the inner meaning of Rebbe (made up of the Hebrew letters, reish, beis, yud, an acronym for Rosh B’nei Israel (Head of the Children of Israel). A Rebbe is the head of his generation,…
Moshiach lives eternally
Moshiach Has Everlasting Life 1) The Arizal, one of the most important Kabbalists who lived 400 years ago, writes in his book, Sha’ar HaGilgulim (chapter 13), that Moshiach does not die. After Moshiach reveals himself, there is a period of concealment, and then he is…
What can we do to reveal Moshiach?
We find ourselves in a special time when the Rebbe has announced, “The time of your Redemption has arrived!” Now that it is established that the Rebbe is our Righteous King Moshiach, all that is left for us to do is to greet him. When…
Accepting the Kingship of the Rebbe King Moshiach
Torah sources emphasize that establishing and deepening our faith in the Redemption actually hastens its revelation. This is also true with the acceptance of Moshiach and the strengthening of our faith in him. According to Torah, “There is no king without a nation.’ Throughout Jewish…
Low Crime Wave
Over the last twenty years, residents of New York City have enjoyed an unprecedented reduction in crime – the greatest decline of any major city in the developed world. Over two decades, murders, robbery and burglary fell over 80%. In the late 80’s, most criminologists…
When Moshiach comes, will we continue to observe all the Jewish laws that are kept today?
When Moshiach comes, will we continue to observe all the Jewish laws that are kept today? One difference will be that the laws will follow the rulings of the school of Shammai and Rabbi Meir. As a rule, our sages say: “The laws of the…
A Spiritual Healer
Dr. Eliyahu Sorkin was born in Paris without the slightest knowledge about his Judaism. When he turned thirteen, he asked his parents to make him the ceremony in church that his peers had when they were thirteen. “My classmates would have a priest come and…
The Seven Noahide Laws
Just as the horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed, as incomprehensible as they are, have shaken the entire world for the worse. So every good deed done now can reveal untold blessings and change the world for the better. That is why G-d gave…
20 things you need to know about Kabbalah
Kabbalah — is that a science? Who was the first kabbalist? Where did the monkeys come from? Why is Madonna learning Kabbalah? Why in the past was Kabbalah considered a dangerous thing? Kabbalah and astrology – is there a connection between the two? Did the…
Our loyal Rebbe…
Mrs. X. (who wishes to remain anonymous) was going through a very trying time; Her husband was not earning enough to support their family. He was very unhappy with his job and wanted to quit. Though Mrs. X. always wanted a large family and therefore…
Moshiach and the World Today
A new video was recently released describing the change that Moshiach will bring to the world. The video depicts where our generation is holding in the process of the arrival of Moshiach and how imminent the Geulah is.